First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage... Where The Hell is My Baby Carriage?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

17 Weeks! (opps skipped a week!)

~ How far along? 17 weeks

~Total weight gain? 1.5 lbs up from my base weight. about +0.5 lbs a week.

~How big is baby? baby is an onion or a pear, depending on which site
~Sleep? pretty terrible but i think it is the heat.

~How are you feeling physically? pretty good these days

~How are you feeling emotionally? good, still sort of in disbelief

~Best moment of the week? getting the nursery started

~Movement? none yet.

~Food cravings? nothing new.

~Labor Signs? No thank God.

~What I miss? Still miss wanting to eat.

~What I look forward to? Still wanting to have a noticeable bump

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's a...


We went for an elective ultrasound on Tuesday, when I was exactly 15 weeks, to see if we could find out the gender of the baby. We did! It was an amazing experience. He was upsidedown the whole time and was sleepy from dinner.

Meet- Noah!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

15 weeks!

~ How far along? 15 weeks

~Total weight gain? as of last week i was 0.5 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight.

~How big is baby? baby is an orange!
~Sleep? better than last week.

~How are you feeling physically? much better. my only issues are a little bit of lightheadedness and some hormone headaches. i feel like i have much more energy now!

~How are you feeling emotionally? good. it is starting to feel happy and real instead of just stressful!

~Best moment of the week? passed my 1 hour glucose test!

~Movement? none yet.

~Food cravings? nothing new.

~Labor Signs? No thank God.

~What I miss? Still miss wanting to eat.

~What I look forward to? Still wanting to have a noticeable bump and finding out what kind we have in there!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The grossest orange drink you will ever drink...

Last week I had my monthly check up appointment with my Dr. The main goal of this month was to do my first Glucose Tolerance test to test for Gestational Diabetes. Being a PCOS patient, I had to do this test much earlier than other normal pregnant ladies who do it around the 7 month mark.

The test is simple enough, you drink a sugary drink and then 1 hour later they test your blood for glucose levels. The problem is the drink. It is like flat orange soda with 10x the amount of sugar of a regular soda. You have to drink it all in 5 minutes. If you throw up you have to drink another one. It was not fun.

Good news is- I passed! My levels were normal so I am not diabetic right now which is good. I have to retest at the 7 month mark just in case though. Not looking forward to drink that stuff again!!

my nemisis....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


One of my favorite Japanese singers came out with a new song and I cried the first time I heard it. Actually I cry everytime I hear it. It just struck a cord with me after being through Infertility and winning.

The title of this post, "叶うまで信じてる" is the last line in the chorus of the song and means "Beliveing until it [your wish] comes true". That to me is the most important part of overcoming Infertility. Never giving up hope, even though some days it is really hard.

It is a really inspirational song. I know that most people don't speak Japanese, so just hearing it really means nothing but I grabbed a translation from to include with the video.

Everything's gonna be alright
It's OK it's alright it's OK

Since that day you've been running/ Down the road you were aiming for/ With a straightforward look in your eyes/And without uttering a complaint

Yeah, I've watched you the whole way/ So even though you lie/ And say you're okay/ I can see your tears

I know the pain and suffering /Will all be worth it /So keep going /In your own way

Yeah, try to remember/ Your smile from back then /Because everyone is always here for you /Yeah, one more time/ As many times as it takes /You're radiant when you don't give in /Believing until it comes true

Everything's gonna be alright
It's OK it's alright it's OK

You always look best/ With a smile on your face /And you push me to do my best /Because you give me courage

Yeah, I know that really/ You have it harder than I do/ But you worry for me the most /And you stayed by me

So if you're crying right now /I'll fly to you /No matter where you are /You're not alone anymore

Yeah, try to remember/ Your smile from back then /Because everyone is always here for you /Yeah, one more time /As many times as it takes /You're radiant when you don't give in /Believing until it comes true

As we lose our way /We're still making progress /It's not a mistake /So let's go our own way

Oh oh oh oh...

Yeah, try to remember/ Your smile from back then /Because everyone is always here for you /Yeah, one more time /As many times as it takes /You're radiant when you don't give in /Believing until it comes true

Everything's gonna be alright
It's OK it's alright it's OK
Oh oh oh oh...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

14 Weeks!

I have seen these weekly check-ins on other blogs so I thought I would jump on the wagon!

~ How far along? 14 weeks

~Total weight gain? Down 1 lb. At one point I was down 3 lbs so at least now I am going in the right direction!

~How big is baby? baby is a lemon! I <3 lemons.

~Sleep? Not great lately but I think most it has to do with the cats deciding that this week, my side of the bed is better for them.

~How are you feeling physically? Better than a few weeks ago but still not amazing. Today I am very very tired. I still get queasy on some evening and my digestive system is just not what it used to be
looking forward for at least some of these problems to be resolved in the 2 tri.

~How are you feeling emotionally? I
m finally starting to feel comfortable and less worried. I think it will be even better if we have a great appointment on Friday.

~Best moment of the week? Will *hopefully* be getting a successful doppler reading on Friday!

~Movement? none yet.

~Food cravings? When I want to eat it is usually something carb-y like pasta. I also had a crazy hankering for sour patch kids the other day

~Labor Signs? No thank God.

~What I miss? Wanting to eat.

~What I look forward to? Getting a noticeable bump and finding out what kind we have in there!